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Minimum wage: Labour reduces demand to N500,000




In a bid to shift ground so as to ensure speedy conclusion of negotiation on new national Minimum Wage, the Organised Labour at the ongoing Tripartite Committee on the National Minimum Wage meeting has reduced its demand from N615,000 to N500,000.


A source at the meeting disclosed that the government team is adamant about N54,000, complaining of non-availability of fund and the inability of the private sector to pay.


But the private sector has made additional N3,00 taking up its offer to N57,000 from the initial N54,000.


According to the source, “Government has agreed that NLC is using evidence-based presentation. But they argue that eight states are not paying or not fully implementing the 2019 minimum wage.”


The source further said, “Government is talking of non-availability of fund. They are also talking about the inability of the private sector to pay.”


On Labour shifting of ground by the organised labour, the source said, “Labour has been requested to shift in response to the Government. They complied and came down to N500,000.”

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He said that the Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodimma was present at the meeting.


“”The Imo State Governor has stepped in. He is not a member of the committee but it is good that there is at least a governor, as the six governors in the committee have been regularly absent.”



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Kano govt rejects Durbar ban, tackles Ado Bayero, police





Kano State Government has expressed worry over how the Police command in the State has been disobeying the “legitimate instructions” of Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, Chief Security Officer of the State.


Speaking at a press conference in Government House, Kano, on Saturday, the Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice, Haruna Isah Dederi, said, “I am compelled to ask the question: who is usurping the authority of the Commander-in-Chief because some people are dishing out directives to security chiefs in the State so much so that the State Police Commissioner without any consultation with the Chief Security Officer of the State or approval from the State Security Council had issued an order banning Eid-el-Kabir festivities in Kano State.


“How can anybody in his right senses ban Sallah festivities in Kano? When did the State Governor cease to be the Chief Security Officer of the State that he will only see such ban on social media? Who is pushing the State Commissioner of Police to usurp the authority of the Governor?

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“It is important to stress that the Commissioner of Police has been consistent in disobeying the legitimate instructions of the Governor as Chief Security Officer, hiding behind orders from above. I ask again, what is the offence of Kano people that the Nigeria Police penciled them for destruction?”


Dederi, while responding to the Federal High Court judgement that upheld the fundamental rights of the 15th Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, said the dethroned monarch’s rights have not been infringed upon by the government.


He said, “The Federal High Court No.3, Kano, had passed judgement in respect of the matter before it where it held that certain fundamental rights of the deposed emir were infringed upon, including putting him under house arrest. We are mindful of the fact whatever judgement is pronounced by a
court of law; any party that is dissatisfied has the option of appealing against the judgement.

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“Indeed, our team of lawyers is critically studying the judgement of that court with a view to appealing against it. This is because in our view, no fundamental right of the former emir was infringed.


“First, no one forced him into Gidan Nassarawa, belonging to the government of Kano State. He went in there and stayed there on his own volition accompanied by security guards. Therefore, no one put him under house arrest.


“Secondly, it is known by everyone, that His Excellency, the Executive Governor of the State is the Chief Security Officer of the State. He has the constitutional duty to ensure the protection of lives and properties of the people of Kano State.


“When the former emir came in accompanied by hoodlums clearly threatening the peace and orderliness of the State, the Governor was under a duty to act to ensure peace and that was why he issued the arrest order. Even then, the arrest was never affected by any of the security Agencies in the State. Till now, the former Emir has been conducting his activities there as evidenced by the numerous social media presentations.”

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It would be recalled that some days ago, the Police announced a ban on Durbar activities during the upcoming Eid-el-Kabir festivities.


A statement issued by the Police Spokesperson in the state, Abdullahi Haruna Kiyawa said, “the combined security agencies are for the purpose of overriding public safety, not expecting cultural troupes, costumes, weapons wielding, or any form of insignia representing durbar from any of the traditional stool contenders.


“In addition, all other law-abiding people of the State are urged to continue to cooperate with the Police and alongside other relevant security agencies as adequate security deployments have been concluded to ensure low-key hitch-free festive Eid-El-Kabir Celebrations during this trying period.”


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We halted Durbar activities in the interest of peace – Ado Bayero





The 15th Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, has felicitated with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Kano State Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf, on the occasion of Sallah festivities.


The Emir also announced that the durbar ceremonies earlier scheduled were halted following recommendations of the security and for peace to continue to reign in the State.


The Emir made the remarks while delivering a broadcast at the Nassarawa mini palace on Saturday.



He said, “On this day when all Muslim faithful are observing the day of Arafat, we felicitate with all during this important occasion.


“Eid is practiced and we are taught by our holy prophet to sacrifice animals if we are opportune to. For those who cannot afford it, we pray to Allah to grant them what to sacrifice.

“We therefore felicitate with the President and the Governor on the occasion of Sallah and we pray that God gives them the courage and strength to deliver.

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“We call on them to continue to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people, protection of their lives and properties while also the people should pray for their leaders.


“We have lifted all durbar activities following the recommendations of security operatives for peace to continue to reign.”


Meanwhile, Sarkin Dawaki, Aminu Babba Dan Agundi also announced that the Emir will be observing his Eid prayer at the Nassarawa mini palace on Sunday by 8am.



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Tinubu orders Mamman Ahmadu to resign as BPP DG





President Bola Tinubu has asked Mamman Ahmadu to resign as the director-general and chief executive officer (CEO) of the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP).


In a statement on Saturday, Ajuri Ngelale, presidential spokesperson, said the directive “is part of a larger reorganisation effort in the public procurement system to reposition the agency for greater efficiency and transparency”.


Ngelale added that Ahmadu is to hand over to the most senior officer at the bureau, pending the appointment of a new director-general.


“The President thanks Mr. Ahmadu for his services and wishes him success in his future endeavours,” Ngelale said.


Ahmadu was appointed BPP DG by former President Muhamadu Buhari in 2016.


However, in recent times, there have been calls for his removal from office.


In August 2023, a group known as the Network for the Actualisation of Social Growth and Viable Development (NAGAD) sued Tinubu, demanding Ahmadu’s sack.

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The plaintiffs argued that Ahmadu’s appointment did not follow due process or the Public Procurement Act of 2007.


“The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is mandated by the Public Procurement Act, 2007 to constitute a body known as the ‘national council on public procurement’, which acts as a watchdog and oversees and supervises the third respondent’s (BPP) activities for the sake of transparency and accountability,” NAGAD said.


“The said national council of public procurement is also empowered by law to recommend any potential candidates for the office of director-general of the 3rd respondent’s commission to the 1st respondent (president) for appointment after a competitive selection.


“Since the 3rd respondent was established in 2007, the national council on public procurement has never been constituted, in contravention of the law and therefore making the 3rd respondent act on its whims and caprices, taking decisions at its own volition, without supervision, and in accordance with the establishment Act.”

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NAGAD further stated that the BPP has been issuing “certificates of no objection to procuring entities without recourse to the national council’s regulations in line with its mandate”.


The group stated that the non-constitution of the national council “will breed corruption in the system at the detriment of the society”.

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