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Tonto Dikeh’s ex-husband’s wife, Rosy Meurer reveals secret of staying strong in the midst of scandals




Actress Rosy Meurer Churchill has revealed her secret to staying strong in the midst of scandals.


The movie star, who was in the news last year over marital crisis with Tonto Dikeh’s ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill, shared a photo of her and her son via her Instagram page. She stated that when people ask her how she stays so strong, it’s because her son doesn’t ever let her crown fall.


Rosy declared that she is forever her son’s queen.


“When people asks me how I stay so strong, it’s because my son doesn’t ever let my crown fall. I’m forever his QUEEN”.


Last year, Rosy Meurer’s marriage was hit with break-up rumours twice. First in August, anonymous Instagram blogger, Gistlover alleged that their marriage was on the rock over infidelity and domestic violence.


The blog claimed that Churchill hadn’t been sleeping at home and had been beating Rosy, who is the breadwinner of the family, and puts on a facade online when she praises her husband.

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In December, the couple was hit another scandal as the same blogger alleged that Churchill was planning to take another wife, Lisa Yaro, and had been beaten Rosy on several occasions because of her. To further fuel the rumors, Churchill took to his Instagram page to pour praises on her.

Rosy Meurer, had also reacted to the reports by sharing several adorable family photos, as she lamented over having sleepless nights, and the difficulty of being a mother.


However, despite the rumors, the couple’s union continues to wax stronger as during the festive season, they celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary. Rosy penned a post to him, noting how they have had their ups and downs, and have stood the test of time. She stated that she wants to hold onto her man for the rest of her life as she considers him her best friend, the father of her children, and her hidden strength.

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On Valentine’s Day in February, Rosy had reaffirmed her love and commitment to Churchill. She stated that everyday is Valentine’s Day with him as she promised to choose him over and over without a pause or a doubt. According to her, in a heartbeat, she will keep choosing them.



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You’re a liar! Angel Unigwe to sue Kanayo O Kanayo over ‘false’ contract breach accusation





Angel Unigwe has refuted the claim by the veteran actor Kanayo O Kanayo that she breached their contract together.


On June 21, Kanayo alleged that the teen actress did not fulfil a contract she signed with him for a production she got hired for.


He also claimed Unigwe’s mum is known for breaching acting contracts by prematurely taking her daughter away from sets.


An irate Kanayo, in a monologue, threatened to disrupt any movie production involving the Unigwe as a result.


He cited a set where the teen actress was taken away at 9 pm when the set was contractually meant to close at midnight.


Kanayo said his decision to disrupt film productions involving Unigwe is to “save and protect” Nigeria’s film industry.


But in a statement, Juliet Kings, Unigwe’s manager, said Kanayo’s allegations of contract breach are “false and slanderous”.


The manager clarified that the actress left the set after performing her duty as her agreement with the filmmaker was for a 9 pm wrap-up.

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“First, we wish to state categorically and for the public record that, as professionals, we hold sacred the terms of any contract we enter into and we are fully committed to performing all lawful obligations required of us under such contracts and as such,” the manager said.


“We vehemently deny the false accusations and slanderous statements contained in Mr. Kanayo’s video. We want to assure the public that we have done no such thing and are deeply hurt by these unfounded allegations.


“Between the 17th of June 2024 and the 19th of June 2024, Miss Unigwe participated in a film project under clear and agreed terms, most important of all being a daily wrap time of 9 pm.


“Despite our concerns about the feasibility of filming 57 scenes in 3 days, we proceeded based on the assurances we received from [him] and his director Ndifreke Matthew that the three-day period would be sufficient for shooting.

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“[We agreed] that the talent’s shooting time of 12 hours starting from 9 am to 9 pm is acceptable to them. Moreso, there will be no extension considering her prior engagement.


“On the final day, despite the agreed terms regarding the wrap-up time of 9 pm, we accommodated an additional 45-50 minutes of filming beyond the agreed time out of the spirit of goodwill and understanding that had existed between us, Mr. Kanayo, and the film director.


“Upon completion of the shoot, we left the location without protest from the director or the production manager Cosmos Nwaihe, having performed our obligations.”


Kings said Kanayo’s claims amount to “cyberbullying” and “gender-based oppression” that have caused the actress “emotional distress”.


Stating that legal action has been taken, the manager called on security agencies to intervene in the matter and guarantee Unigwe’s safety.

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You abandoned Imade because I denied you sex, Sophia Momodu replies Davido





Sophia Momodu, the first babymama to David Adeleke widely known as Davido has accused the music megastar, of abandoning their child, Imade, for the past two years.


The fashion entrepreneur stated this in a statement, issued on June 22, 2024, by her legal representatives Punuka attorneys & Solicitors and Bimpe Ajegbomogun & Co, and made available to the media.


Momodu’s accusation was in a response to a lawsuit filed against her by the Grammy nominee over the custody of their daughter.


Davido had dragged the mother of his first child to court, seeking unfettered and unrestricted access to their daughter, Miss Imade.


The motion was filed by the artist’s lawyers, Dr Olaniyi Arije, Okey Barrah and others, at the Lagos State High Court, on April 17, 2024.


The suit, tagged LD/1587PMC/2024, listed David Adedeji Adeleke as the applicant, while Momodu was listed as the sole respondent.


The singer stated that he has been fulfilling his paternal responsibilities to Imade over the years, including paying her school fees, providing transportation and even accommodation.

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Davido claimed Momodu rejected the offer to stay in a condominium apartment he bought in a gated community at Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos, insisting that he must continue to pay ₦5 million annually for a rented facility as his contribution towards Imade’s accommodation.


Among other claims, the singer also said he purchased vehicles to ensure Imade’s transportation needs were met and claimed Sophia failed to inform him when one of the vehicles stopped working.


In her response, Momodu said Davido has not seen their daughter since July 2022 by his own choice, stressing that she has never denied him the opportunity to see Imade.

She recalled that the estranged lovers had two relationship spells from 2014 to 2017 and 2020 to 2022, during which Davido “provided financial support for their daughter, covering school fees, rent, and other living expenses.”


However, having called it quits with the Grammy-nominated artiste in 2022, Momodu claimed she’s received several threats from Davido over her refusal to make herself available to him sexually.


“Sophia ended the relationship with David in July 2022. Since then, David has repeatedly threatened to make Sophia’s life miserable if she does not make herself available to him sexually.

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“Sophia has never denied him the opportunity to see his daughter. He has not reached out on special occasions such as her birthday or Christmas for the past two years, which has left his daughter distressed and questioning why her father has cut contact with her. Despite this, David posts images of her on social media to falsely portray himself as a supportive and active father,” the statement partly read.


Momodu further revealed that the singer has since refrained from fulfilling his financial obligations to his daughter, leaving her to solely shoulder expenses including rent, living and travel costs, healthcare, and all other related expenses.


“Since July 2022, David has not fulfilled his financial responsibilities towards their daughter, leaving her school fees unpaid. Their daughter’s school has contacted him multiple times regarding the fees for the 2021/2022 school term and January 2023, with no response.


“Legal counsel was sought in February 2023, resulting in David’s father, Mr Adedeji Adeleke, eventually paying the outstanding fees. Regardless of this neglect Sophia strongly maintains that the most important support David can provide to their daughter is his presence and emotional support,” the statement added.

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She disclosed that every attempt to establish a formal co-parenting arrangement with Davido has been futile, as his lawyers consistently refused to cooperate toward a mutually agreeable resolution, instead resorting to isolating her using the artiste’s social influence and network.


Momodu stressed that she has never denied Davido access to their daughter, claiming only access to her body and intimacy, which he has taken issues with.


“David is in a publicly known relationship, and Sophia wishes him well. She seeks to move forward in her life free from harassment and verbal abuse,” the statement concluded.


It was recently reported that Davido and his partner, chef Chioma are set to hold their traditional wedding in Lagos on June 25, 2024.


Davido also confirmed the news of his upcoming wedding and preparations are underway.

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The troublemaker: Portable raises fresh dust, says ‘Davido cheated me… used me to trend’





Portable, the controversial Nigerian singer, has resumed his criticism of Davido, the Afrobeats star.


The pair linked up at a restaurant in Atlanta earlier this month. The 30-year-old also appreciated Davido for gifting him a brand-new pair of luxurious Dior sneakers.

But after their hangout, the singer claimed the Afrobeats star promised to make a song with him but allegedly did not deliver on the promise.


In a recent social media rant, the singer accused Davido, 31, of chasing clout with their hangout in the United States.


Portable argued that Davido “took advantage of me to gain more popularity”, adding that he did not provide any financial support or a verse for a collaboration.


“Davido ripped me, you invited me out for a dinner in America, but you did not give me a verse or money, you just used me to trend. You should have given me at least $10,000,” the street-hop singer is heard ranting in a video.

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Portable had also begged Davido for a collaboration in 2023.


The ‘Zazoo Zeh’ hitmaker has a long history of feuding with fellow singers. TheCable Lifestyle recently examined a list of celebrities he has had feuds with since he gained fame.

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