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NLC, TUC declare nationwide strike from Nov 14




The leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) have declared a total nationwide strike effective next Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

The leadership of the two union reached the resolution after an extraordinary National Executive Council meeting on Tuesday in Abuja.

The two major labour unions said nationwide mobilisation of members and allies have begun immediately.

Labour leaders at a meeting in Abuja on Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The action by the Organised Labour followed the brutalisation of NLC National President, Joe Ajaero, last week in Imo State.

There had been widespread outrage by the Organised Labour accusing the Commissioner of Police in Imo State, Mohammed Barde, of complicity in the recent attack on Ajaero, in Owerri, the Imo State capital.

The Organised Labour last Friday handed the Federal Government a five-day ultimatum to replace the police commissioner, while also blaming Governor Hope Uzodimma who is seeking re-election of the attack on Ajaero though the governor had since said he had no hand in the attack on the labour leader.

The Organised Labour also demanded the arrest and prosecution of some of the governor’s aide and threatened to embark on a nationwide industrial action if their demands were not carried out.

Already, the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, on Sunday, redeployed Barde for “neutrality sake” ahead of the November 11, 2023 governorship election in Imo State.

The communique issued after the NEC meeting:


The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) joint National Executive Council (NEC) convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the progress made in executing its directive to initiate an industrial action in Imo state. This decision was prompted by a series of infractions and encroachments on the rights of workers within the state.

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During the meeting, the council deliberated on the distressing incident involving the abduction and assault of the NLC President, Comrade Joe Ajaero. Additionally, the council addressed the appalling acts of violence and bloodshed inflicted upon him and fellow workers, who had assembled at the NLC Imo State Secretariat in compliance with the directive on Imo state. These acts were perpetrated by the Imo state Government, acting under the guidance of the Governor and in collaboration with the Nigeria Police.

The Joint NEC-in-session unanimously condemned in very strong terms the brutal and beastly actions of Hope Uzodimma, his goons and the Nigeria Police.

To this end, the joint NLC/TUC NEC-in-session observed that whereas:
1. the decision to embark on an industrial action in Imo state was purely in keeping with its earlier resolution; the Imo state Government under Hope Uzodimma heartlessly continues in its abuse of the rights and privileges of workers in the state viz;

 Refusal to Implement Previous Agreements: The Government has repeatedly reneged on agreements, most notably the accord reached on January 9th, 2021, between the Government and Organised Labour.

 Outstanding Salary Arrears: Shockingly, some workers have been subjected to a staggering 20 months of unpaid salaries under the unfounded label of ‘ghost workers’.

 Unjust Declaration of Workers as Ghost Workers: Approximately 11,000 hardworking individuals have been unjustly branded as ghost workers, their salaries diverted even while they diligently carried out their duties.

 Vandalisation of NLC State Secretariat: The wanton destruction of the NLC State Secretariat is a blatant attack on the rights of workers and a violation of the sanctity of their representative body.

 Implementation of Discriminatory Pay: The introduction of discriminatory pay practices and the imposition of apartheid-like policies in determining monthly payments is an affront to fair labor practices.

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 Unsettled Gratuity Arrears: The Government has failed to address the 8-year backlog of gratuity owed to retirees, showing a grave disregard for the rights of those who have dedicated their careers in service.

 Non-compliance with National Minimum Wage: The Government has persistently shirked its duty to properly implement the N30,000 National Minimum Wage, a critical safeguard for the economic well-being of workers.

 Intimidation and Harassment of Trade Union Leaders: The Government’s witch hunt against trade union leaders through various guises constitutes an alarming assault on the right to represent and advocate for the rights of workers.

 Use of Violence and Thuggery: The continued deployment of thugs and violence against workers and their leaders is an unacceptable practice that undermines the democratic rights of workers.

 Misappropriation of Union Dues: The impoundment and illegal diversion of union dues, funds rightfully belonging to the unions, is a gross violation of the rights of workers to manage their collective resources.

 Declaration of Pensioners as Ghosts: Approximately 10,000 pensioners have been wrongly labeled as ghost pensioners, resulting in over 22 months of unpaid pensions, tragically leading to the loss of lives.
 Systematic Harassment and Intimidation of Workforce: The entire workforce is constantly subjected to threats of violence and sack, creating an environment of fear and uncertainty.

 Resistance to Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining: The Government’s persistent resistance to the use of the instruments of social dialogue and collective bargaining is an affront to the principles of fair labor practices.

 Interference with Workers’ Democratic Processes: The violent interference and disruption of the Imo State Delegates’ Conference demonstrates a blatant attempt to impose favored candidates on the workers, undermining their democratic rights.

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2. workers had gathered to peacefully protest these infractions by the Governor at the Secretariat of the NLC in Imo state as guaranteed by our extant labour laws and the Constitution;

3. the Police supported a group of Imo state Governor’s thugs led by its SA on Special Duties invaded the premises of the Imo NLC Secretariat and unleashed mayhem on the few workers who had gathered inflicting injuries and stealing and damaging personal effects including various sums;

4. the President of the NLC was subsequently subjected to brutalization, blindfolded and abducted by the Police and taken to an unknown destination where he was further subjected to further violations and humiliation;

5. the NLC and TUC have made demands on the Government which have not been met as at the time of this session;

6. the continued prevalence of the use of violence and impunity in negotiating rights and interests within the nation’s socioeconomic space against all known dictates of democracy and Social Dialogue;

Consequently, the NLC/TUC NEC-in-Session resolved as follows:

1. To order the immediate withdrawal of services and shutdown of Imo state beginning midnight today. All workers and affiliates are expected to ensure compliance from wherever they are. All flights into and out of Imo state, fuel supplies and Electricity be stopped immediately as applicable. All Public and Private Sector workers are to immediately down tools indefinitely.

2. That if our demands are still unmet, workers all over the federation shall join in withdrawing their services by Midnight Tuesday, the 14th of November, 2023

3. All State Councils of NLC & TUC and affiliates are by this resolution mandated to ensure full compliance with NEC’s decision

Comrade Adewale Adeyanju (Deputy President NLC)

Comrade Festus Osifo (President TUC)

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Labour’s June 3 strike notice premature, illegal — AGF





The Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi, has faulted the June 3, 2024 notice of industrial action issued by the Organised Labour.


In a letter dated June 1, 2024, the AGF described the strike notice by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) as “premature, imeffectual and illegal”.


The AGF addressed the letter to the NLC President Joe Ajaero and his TUC counterpart Festus Osifo.


The labour unions had said the current minimum wage of ₦30,000 can no longer cater to the wellbeing of an average Nigerian worker, lamenting that not all governors are paying the current wage award which expired in April 2024, five years after the Minimum Wage Act of 2019 was signed by former President Muhammadu Buhari. The Act should be reviewed every five years to meet up with contemporary economic demands of workers.

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Labour later handed the Federal Government a May 31 deadline for the a new minimum wage. On May 31, the workers’ organs in the country declared a nationwide strike beginning from Monday, June 3, 2024 over the government committee’s inability to agree on a new minimum wage and reversal of electricity tariff hike.


During the failed talks with the government, Labour rejected three government’s offers, the latest being N60,000. Both the TUC and the NLC subsequently pulled out of negotiations, insisting on ₦497,000 as the new minimum wage.


However, the AGF urged Labour to return to the negotiation table, saying that dialogue was a more progressive path to take than industrial action.


Fagbemi drew the attention of the aggrieved unions to Sections 41(1) and 42(1) of the Trade Disputes Act 2004 (As amended) which required the NLC and the TUC to issue mandatory strike notices of a minimum of 15 days.


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The AGF also recalled an interrim injunctive order granted on June 5, 2023 by an Abuja court which restrained the NLC and the TUC from embarking on any industrial action.  “This order has neither been stayed or set-aside, therefore it remains binding on the labour unions,” he said.


“Consequent on the foregoing, the call to industrial action is premature, imeffectual and illegal. The proposed strike action is also at variance with the order of the National Industrial Court and the ongoing mediatory settlement efforts over the issues connected with the subject matter of the order.



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Otti vows to ‘smoke out’ killers of soldiers in Abia, says ‘we’ll leave no stone unturned’





 Abia state governor, Alex Otti, says no stone would be left unturned in the search for those involved in the killing of soldiers in the state.


Five soldiers were killed on May 30 by gunmen who were reportedly enforcing the sit-at-home directive of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).


The soldiers were ambushed at an army post in Obikabia, Obingwa LGA of the state.


In a statement on Sunday, Kazie Uko, chief press secretary to the governor, said Otti visited the wives of the slain soldiers on Saturday at the headquarters of the 144 Infantry Battalion of the Nigeria Army in Asa, Ukwa West LGA of Abia.


“We, as a government, will continue to condemn this dastardly act, a very irresponsible act committed by criminals, who do not want any good for society,” the governor said.


“It’s very sad, but then, it has happened and because it has happened, we will need to move on, but we cannot move on without identifying those who are responsible.

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“It’s as if General Diya was with me at the last place that we went to, where I had promised that we will smoke out whoever is remotely connected to this killing, whoever they are, wherever they are, wherever they run to.


“We are going to work like we have always done, closely with security agencies, particularly the intelligence unit of the security agencies, to ensure that we leave no stone unturned.


“So, I want to reassure the military high command and the leadership of the military in Abia that we are working together to ensure that we bring those people to book.


“The reason I came here (144 Battalion) today is to sympathise with you; to let you know that I feel your pain and I can understand what you’re going through at this time.


“On behalf of the government and people of Abia state, I want to assure you that we are behind you. We know that the military high command will also look after you, but because your husbands died here in Abia, we have adopted you as daughters of Abia and your children as children of Abia.”

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The governor also awarded scholarships to children of the deceased up to the completion of their tertiary education.


He thanked Diya for helping to de-escalate the tension in the state and not embarking on a reprisal.

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Military coups can’t succeed without assistance of politicians – Abdulsalami





Abdulsalami Abubakar, former military head of state, says politicians create an enabling environment for military officers to stage coups.


Following the death of Sani Abacha in June 1998, Abdulsalami was sworn in as head of state.


Abdulsalami was Nigeria’s last military leader. In 1999, he handed over power to democratically elected Olusegun Obasanjo, keeping to his word of returning the country to civilian rule.


In an interview with The Sun newspaper published on Sunday, the former head of state said military officers take advantage of the political situation before staging coups.


“You see, whatever happens, it must be the political field that allows any military man to take over. When you are in government and there is no equity and justice, certainly this brings problem,” he said.


“You have a political party and even in the political party one belongs to, there is no democracy. So, certainly, you will expect some quivers, some quarrels to come out and if they are not handled amicably, certainly, this will result to military takeover.

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“Remember there is no military man that takes over without the connivance and assistance of politicians and civilians.”


Speaking on how democracy has fared in Nigeria, Abdulsalami said he has no regrets handing over to a civilian government but noted that there has been some challenges.


“You know democracy is a continuous process. You can’t say this is democracy. When you describe democracy, you are talking of government of the people, for the people and by the people,” he said.


“Yes, we are not yet there. There are some drawbacks, but compared to 1999 to today, I will say democracy has really made advances in Nigeria.”


Abdulsalami urged President Bola Tinubu to learn from mistakes of past leaders and correct them while running the country the way he deems best.

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